SET WEDDING & ENGAGEMENT RINGS, Black and White Diamond Eternity rings

13 400 kr

Set wedding & engagement rings with white and black diamonds 0.54 ct | Mila Silver

Discover white and black diamonds in combination!
This wedding & engagement ring set is both cool and beautiful.
The diamonds lift each other but at the same time form a nice unit.

Half the rings are covered with white and black diamonds.
The diamonds are set with a claw setting, which means that you can see the diamonds even from the side of the ring.

The ring with white diamonds can be ordered with natural or lab-grown diamonds.
The black diamond ring has treated black diamonds.
Read more about the diamonds below.

The rings are made in Sweden to order.
Manufacturing time: approx. 2 weeks

Choice of size

Not sure about your ring size?
- Read the Size guide for rings below.
- Buy a ring gauge .
- Order sample rings
You can order home one or a couple of sizes of plain silver rings to try on that have the same measurements as this set.
You simply return with the prepaid return shipping slip and then order this set + any engraving .
For this set order order: Mila Combo ring thin

Feel free to contact us: | +46705-347316



Black diamonds are elegant, beautiful, dramatic and mysterious.
Silver and black diamonds are an incredibly beautiful combination!
Black & White in its purest form.
There are two types of black diamonds - natural black diamonds (extremely rare and precious) and treated black diamonds.
Mila Silver's black diamond rings are set with the latter, treated black diamonds.
The black colors arise from radiation treatment of a natural diamond.

Dimensions & Details

- Each ring: 18 x 0.015 ct | Total 0.27 ct
- Black / white diamonds
- Ring width/thickness: 2 mm
- Round profile
- 925 sterling silver
- Manufacturing time: approx. 2 weeks
- Manufacturer: Guldbolaget, Sweden


Diamantringar och diamantsmycken från Mila Silver tillverkas i Sverige av 100% återvunnet silver infattade med briljantslipade labbodlade diamanter eller naturliga certifierade diamanter av den höga kvalitén TW/VS. 

Diamantringar och diamantsmycken från Mila Silver tillverkas i Sverige av 100% återvunnet silver. Smycken från Mila Silver har ingen ytbehandling som nöts bort utan kan enkelt putsas upp och poleras om vid behov.
Diamanter och silver är en vacker och tidlös kombination som vi älskar. Silvrets vita färg framhäver diamantens vackra lyster. Silver och diamanter är också två hållbara och ädla material som är skonsamma mot huden och klassas som nickelfria.

- VS (Very small inclusions) är benämningen för kvalitén på diamanten. VS är nästintill felfri och har mycket små inneslutningar, endast synliga vid 10 ggr förstoring för en van betraktare.
F-G: (Top Wesselton) är en sällsynt vit diamant.
Denna benämning tilldelas särskilt vita diamanter och rankas i toppen på den internationella GIA skalan.

En labbodlad diamant framställs genom att man återskapar naturens bildande av en diamant. En labbodlad (syntetisk) diamant är en diamant tillverkad i ett laboratorium. Den har samma egenskaper som en naturlig diamant (båda består av kol som kristalliserats i en diamantstruktur).
Labbodlade diamanter har hårdhet 10 på Mohs hårdhetsskala där talet 10 representerar den hårdaste kända substansen (diamant).
En labbodlad diamant har samma fysiska, kemiska och optiska karaktär som en naturlig diamant. Utseendet, lystern och kvalitén är identisk.

Alla diamanter vi säljer är helt konfliktfria enligt The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS), vilket innebär att vi endast köper ädelstenar, vars inkomster inte har bidragit till konflikt och krig eller brutit mot fairtrade. Arbetsmiljön är också viktigt så ytterligare ett krav vi ställer på våra leverantörer är att de är certifierade medlemmar i The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC).

Payment & Shipping

Fri frakt
Tillverkningstid: 1-2 veckor
30 dagar öppet köp

Gratis byte av storlek
Retur: 69 kr (dras från återbetalningen)

Klarna Faktura
Kort / kreditkort

Size guide rings

How to find out your ring size

Our diamond rings are made to order. We therefore recommend that you find out your ring size before placing your order.

- Order sample rings before you order the diamond ring
In the product description for each ring, we advise which trial rings you should choose.
We also offer a trial ring kit for the diamond rings: Julie, June, Elise and Minou.
Return with the prepaid return shipping slip and then order the diamond ring and any engraving.

- Buy a ring gauge
Order a ring gauge to find out your ring size.
Thread the measurement over the finger you want to wear your new ring. Tighten the band and read the size in the small magnifying glass.
Remember that the band should fit like a ring that fits well, not too tight and not too tight. The band should be able to be pulled on and off like a ring with resistance over the knuckle.

- Visit a store
If you are unsure of your ring size or find it difficult to measure yourself, visit a store. They have the experience and equipment to find out your exact ring size.

- Measure a ring you have at home
If you have a ring that fits the same finger you want to wear the new ring on, you can use this as a reference. Visit a store to find out the ring size.
Remember that the ring you are measuring must have the same thickness and width as the new ring you are interested in.

- Plain silver rings are in stock for trial
If you are going to order a plain engagement ring (without a diamond), you can order a few different sizes home and try them on. Our plain silver rings are in stock.
Return the ring(s) that do not fit with the prepaid return shipping slip and keep the one that fits. Choose Klarna invoice and you won't have to pay for the rings in advance.

For more tips and advice, read the SIZE GUIDE FOR RINGS 

Size guide for rings

Fri frakt
30 dagar öppet köp
Svensk design & tillverkning
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