How to find out your ring size

  • Measure an existing ring you have at home

    Measure the inner diameter in millimeters using a ruler or measuring tape.
    Precision is key here. A one-millimeter margin of error can make a significant difference.
  • Measure the circumference of your finger

    Take a piece of string or thread and measure the circumference around your finger. Where the ends meet, cut it off and measure it with a ruler. The measurement in millimeters is the circumference. Compare it with the size chart below.
  • Purchase a ring sizer

    Slide the sizer onto your finger, tighten it, and read your size through the small magnifying glass.
    Remember not to tighten it too much. The ring sizer should fit like a comfortable ring. You should be able to slide it on and off with some resistance.

Things to consider before choosing a ring size

- Vilket finger
Det skiljer vanligtvis en storlek mellan exempelvis ringfingret och långfingret. Många kan bära samma storlek på långfingret och pekfingret.
Skillnaden är dock högst individuell och det säkraste är att mäta en befintlig ring som passar på det tänkta fingret. Du kan också mäta omkretsen på ditt finger, se mer info nedan.

- Höger eller vänster hand
Vanligtvis kan du bära samma storlek på vänster och höger hand. Men ibland skiljer det en halv till en hel storlek mellan de olika händerna.
Är du högerhänt är höger hands fingrar lite kraftigare än vänster och vice versa.
Jämför med en ring du har hemma, hur den sitter på vänster respektive höger hand.

- Bred eller smal ring
Hur ringen känns på ditt finger bestämt inte bara av storleken utan även av ringens bredd och silvrets tjocklek. Om du bär flera silverringar i en kombination påverkar det också känslan.
Är ringen smal kan du bära din vanliga storlek.
Breda silverringar som vår Plain ring (10 mm) kräver att du går upp en storlek. Detta informerar vi om i artikelbeskrivningen.

Loose or tight?

How a ring should feel on the finger is a matter of personal preference. Some prefer their rings to fit loosely and comfortably, while others like a tighter feel.

Our general advice regarding fit is that the ring should be easy to slide on and off the finger with a little resistance over the knuckle. Once in place, the ring should fit a bit loosely, but you shouldn't risk losing it when shaking your hand.

It's important that air circulates beneath the ring to prevent the skin from becoming damp.

Also, keep in mind that your hands may swell at times. Therefore, it's a good idea to try on the ring you've ordered a few times throughout the day, both in the morning and evening, to ensure it's the right size.

/ Mila Silver

Mila Silver ring sizes

Our women's silver rings are available in sizes 48-61 with some exceptions.
Men's rings are available up to size 66.

If you fall between two of our sizes, please contact us. The size is also determined by the ring model. Perhaps a slightly larger or smaller silver ring will fit perfectly.

Feel free to contact us | +46705347316